I'm happy to see that after 3 months this map is still kept alive. (: I'm really happy that you like it. As for muliti leveled caves. They...
Nobody really ever plays these maps anyway. Definatly should only be 400 - 600 MS Points. Nice to see them out, but way too late Bungie. Waaay too...
Keep in mind that I did not design the map to be my greatest aesthics of forge. Its a shipping area. Crates are everywhere, because this place was...
No. 1.Protecting the VIP is just common sense. Not an honor rule, its the game of VIP. 2.As for staying on the elephant, yeah otherwise you...
Ahem. The Asset Map Pack is now posted.
[IMG] 8-14 players recommended Creator: Given To Fly Click here to download! Arctic Dispatch is a breath of fresh air. This frozen over...
Banner, never saw the video or desc.
I wanna try for a new one that really shows off the theme if you dopn't mind.
I'm getting on tinight so if you wnt I can get a forgethrough and either show you what I would see there or accually build it Given To Fly
I didn't mean to get "all up in his grill..." ... ... Never talk like that again Goph, lol. Sorry man, I was just tryin to get my point across,...
Just a thought of mine, but this is pretty well known with a lot of forgers. At least I believe so, because people have been doing things like...
I think he means where the side bases would be located. Or at least the bases to the left and right of the spawn bases.
I personally don't want a map editor. I know, but think about it. It would just make us lazier for our creations. We are given objects to use, and...
This looks to be a great map so far, I like the middle a lot. a new MLG style map needed to be made and yours looks like it could be the best...
I like the stairs idea a lot And people, were not making a workin elevator, because there is no moveable floor piece that big... Perhaps a wall...
Your map looks like you really used ghost merging... I'm scared of ghosts... Anyway it looks like a Halo Wars kind of map, and everybody hated...
I think we should make some more floors to be honest, because the ceilings are high and everything. You have to take into consideration the Object...
At least I'm not alone ha thanks
I accidentally posted on my own paage... hah alright
Cheap school won't offer french, plus all you gotta do to be good at french is add nasal to words, and surrender :]