Someones a RE5 fan :) Anyway, it looks nice, but I worry about object limit. You run out fast on a enclosed map, and this is in the sky bubble....
I don't think asset is boring. I merely think that people have made it boring. Think about it; how many maps have you played of asset where theres...
If the author is ace, then you know its absolutely smexy. Good looking map ace! I love your style, and I'm glad to see a new compettitive map by...
That wouldn't work. Someone wouldn't throw it right, and the whole thing would get jacked up. The idea of an elevator is to get it as real as...
Couple things. 1) Why the hell does everyone think Im a girl!? 2) I already talked to Brave about his decision and my availability, so its his...
I would love to help out, but my xbox recently started acting stupid. It keeps saying to play this disc put it in an xbox 360, and I just replaced...
Try not to triple post. :) Especially in Sarges thread
I'm happy to see positive feedback, Rifte seems to be popular! Happy to see people finding it as a usuful gametype that doesn't get boring right...
Before you spam, read. He is posting new ones, and those are just part of the map until he can post full shots. he described it, so if you can't...
doubley post YOu might want to fix that :) If you cant fix the pictures, then try describing the map more. Maybe, overall shape, levels, weapon...
I suggest getting someone who played it with you to save it, and the gametype. Start a 48 Hr. Then get the stuff and place it on there..
Urban I think you just inspired me... To try this project as well...
Looking very good my friend. I thought you were only thinking about it, but apparently you sat down and had a forge-session! I hope it turns out...
Gamertag: Given To Fly 93 Preference: Halo or MW2, I'm down for both. Chance of attending: 80-90% It's a sunday, what else is there to do?
I'm anxius to see who you'll pick! So many forgers, so little time. I'll try to step up to the ranks, because I want this thing finished. Not by...
Recon, sorry but Im sick of looking at threads with you asking to get in on maps. I looked at like three diff previews and you were saying if you...
I feel ya Meta, someone tried stealing Schism of Light after it was on bungie favorites. I got invited to a game by Dough boy Fresh, I confronted...
X5: The rule makes sense, but could it not mean that they want the map pack to be the next FHF; as if the next FHF is all three of the maps from...
Reminds me of something from Resident Evil 4 (Best Game of All Time) I like the feel of a town map but nobody has ever been able to successfull...
Still need help with the MLG?