Thanks man we had fun testing it, Ima fix a few things but i think it played pretty smooth. Ill PM u next time i gots a map
How in the world did you do blue spotlight. Its awesome. Nice job
Map Name: Curio Map: Sandbox (ground level) Creator: luckiesnipes (GT lunchin4) Size: Big 8-16 players Description: Curio is a synonym of Relic. I...
Nice Idea did you get this from the whole campaign remake thing thats been going around? I thought about it before but i had better ideas. Well...
Idk maybe cuz if it knocks my sox off then evry1 will think its cuz u judged. Ill think bout it cuz man ur a good forger. And that map ur giving...
If your map was posted before 4/27 it does not qualify. And yes any map qualifys and i love remakes!
Yes thats my plan but I haven't been to gamestop yet. So the prize is TBD.
Alright you qualify because Ive seen your maps!
Latley the maps at forgehub have been a little repetitive. Yeah theres that cool map here and there, but nothing has really "knocked my socks...
Thanks I know what you mean Its really a map where you just gotta see it to understand and I really had no plan I just made it up as i went along!...
Don't post a link to your file share just the map. And by now you know to post pics
Milk assasin: Thats a good idea ill change it up a bit and maybe post a v2.
Thats a good idea and i tell you what. If you look at the first picture of the crane you see a structure made of arches. Ill move that over so you...
Map name: Equionox Map: Sandbox Skybubble Creator: luckiesnipes (GT lunchin4) Map Size: Small Gametypes: FFA gametypes only Description: Equinox...
Thats god in general and what you think about him. Im talking bout science vs religion.
What do yo u believe happened? I am religious but I watched a movie in science about space and alien galaxys and the big bang and it blew my mind....
Ok this happened to me and it scared me start a new round and those certian objects wont be there. Wait for them to spawn or force spawn the they...
Haha actually thats not a bad idea because im much better at forgein now. I could call the map sinking sand and make it bigger and playable!
This reminds me of those maps like club dead and tree rot. Its just a bunch of junk thrown around but it still plays and beats everyone elses...
Im sorry this was made a year ago and this was the only picture i had left. I know the rules i have posted many maps.