Haha my bad ill fix it... edit it was not sandtarp here is a link to what i downloaded Not likely because when i forged the elephant was there...
So Im making an asset map on sandtrap which involves the elephant. The problem is when I start the game the elephant is gone. Can anyone tell me...
I like the idea of a hollowed out mountain. It made me think of the Hobbit and the goblin layer in the mountain. If you played the hobbit game...
thanks suposedly haloscreenshots is out of space so new screen shots wont upload we might have to go back to photobucket. Anyway thanks for the...
So there have been a lot of ODST themed maps lately so I decided to make a super awesome one. This map will have all covenant classes and possibly...
So yeah i pretty much put off vid master annual and now its almost to late. So if anyone would like to join me tomorow at about 4-4:30 for the...
Ohhh that makes sence. Thanks for the help!
I was wondering how an OLN map is created I want to make one. I will make it clear I want to MAKE one NOT download one. So if anyone could tell me...
Awww man I made that exact map on HIgh ground but I never posted it. Yeah there are a couple differences so good luck with yours.!
Great forgeing but you basicly said you didnt test it because all the pics had two people which means you and another controller you signed in...
As much as i am gonig to look at your map please dont advertize in other peoples posts thank you :)
Well think like wetwork from call of duty 4 it was playable what aspects made it playable??
in the right hands a little but it works... if you notice the score wasn't very unevan at the end
FIREFIGHT on ICE COLD Map: Avalanche Map Name: Ice Cold Gametype: Firefight Size: Medium-Large Players: 8-16 Map Description: Ice cold takes up...
Yes they are all touching i spent a long time editing that in the forgeing stage so dont worry i read the conqest rules thrice and i got it
Yeah ewoks kinda... and no there is no significant bump its just a weird angle. And you can tell its good for conquest by the near even score at...
Woodrow Map Name: Woodrow Map: Sandbox (skybox) Creator: luckiesnipes GT lunchin4 Size: Medium 6-8 players Gametype: Conquest Description: Woodrow...
so is this the winner of forgotten treasures because i think that contest was forgotten lol any way very accurate remake this deserved a feature
Ok so I found on Halowiki what some MLG players thought of the maps and they leaked a little information about each one! Longshore "Wow. Easily...
this would make an excellent lazertag/paintball map but you gametype is cool to could you send me a friend request lunchin4 i want to play on it...