ITs genius and I just realized that with advances in forge technoligy aka ghost merging its finally time to do it. To make a real sucsessfull...
Ahem where in his post did it say it was a remake. It's simmalar but that's probably because guardian is a great map. On the map well forged nice...
I dont mean to promote my own maps but if you like mini games check out Bonus Round. The link is in my signature.
I like it but I see potential problems. Like that room in the base. You Never want a room in asset because the asset will just camp there. Ill...
hey there hog runner asset beta will be out tomorrow. Come test it with me. OH and Its beta because there isnt much map detail yet just a basic...
Well It didnt work out today because Im making a beta map for my next asset spin off but it will probably start about 12-1 EST tomorow
Today and tomorrow I will be hosting an asset marathon! Heres how it works we will be playing a bunch of community asset maps with the christmas...
Is this modded because in the pics it says he has $1495 budget. With such a big map how is that possible? Any way good looking map Ill test it out...
Oh then it's all good. Oh and what do you think about hogrunners? It's not really a spin off just another way to play. It's still just an idea but...
Great then it's all good. Oh and how does the hog runners idea sound. Tomorrow I'm going to play campaign on tsavo highway to get an idea for a...
No do realease it I liked it better than mine honestly. Can you just give me credit for the original idea?
yah after that last testing game im gonna fix some stuff. 1 vergil wont be a chieftain. Ill just make it one of the engineers that the brutes...
How'd you like asset backwards?
Four years I got my first guitar for my 9th birthday and now im13
Don't ever underestimate me! Dundundunnnnn
You are so funny! :-/
what happened to GO43R
It was posted on my 12th birthday. Im now 13 so alittle older. Picture this that kid plus puberty
I am indeed a child :( its a tragedy. But id consider myself pretty good at guitar
Me doing what I do best... enjoy YouTube- Cliffs Of Dover 2 YouTube- The Office Theme