mmm.. Yes, perhaps.
Happy Birthday
Thank you for finding that ^^ Cortana's Voice Actor is so HOOOOOOTT
Thanks. Im Glad to see there people enjoy the map and there arent any negatives about the map. Yea the Structure of the map was pretty hard to...
Im just wondering how in the hell alot of these things even get "leaked." Is there someone in 343 throwing away memory chips containing this...
This was a little rough around the edges but it played pretty well and had a good consistency. Also I like that grav lift above the reciever node,...
Yes thanks for that idea. The map seems alot less hectic and can support more players than before because of it. Plus it really balances gameplay.
People, remember, there's allways going to be playlists with all this stuff, but there will allways be classic/other playlists that doesnt....
[CENTER]These vids are very old, the quality isnt great, and capturing equiptment is outdated, but I feel this needs to be posted. Basics...
Those trees look like, so real.. Anyways the map doesnt seem to...
You should use this as a sig. [IMG]
Haha! Blasphemy!
You can trace heat signatures of other players (enemies)
Yea sure. Add me and next time I'm on Ill see what I can do.
Would u mind paying for your own capture device?
CROSSWALK by: xRoboArtistx and help from Frenchy's CrossWalk - YouTube Hello and welcome to my newest map, Crosswalk. I'm very...
The 1st vid I posted was leaked. So they edited it out of the post, leaving the compilation vid there. I can find it and message it to ya. I...
It's good to not get your hopes too high. Anyways, didn't Nathan Fillion play Buck in Odst?