they wont appear,you need to copy and paste them from
wow,quite the origanal layout.
99.9% percent chance this wont work,but sign me up anyways.
That is true,but im just throwing around ideas.
really? i always wondered how the found it. so...maybe not that hard to find,but still quite difficult. maybe there could be multiple skull,but...
thank you.
no problem,mesage me on live if you need more help,ill be on in a bit.
you save and quit a weapon holder in/behind the wall. and put the weapon on the other side of the wall.
these look pretty cool,I hope all the old ones are still there though.
can i get my name changed to just halo kid? you know,get rid of the numbers.
I want some real challenge,like the IWBYD skull,im amazed it was found.
I think it look kinda cool,but nothing speical.
Im suprised this is getting this much attention. Ive seen plenty of funky shadows on halo,but this one is pretty cool.
pics of bungie employies are so overdone. atleast get a better shot then him in the air.
Count To 1,000,000! lock please
120GB elite.
Im happy to i guess.
Beats me. you might have
Wow,one of the best crypt maps thus far,and at least its avaliable to people who arnt in the tournament..