who are your best friends on forehub? why? who else is your friend? who do you want to be friends with? This isnt ment to hurt feelings,its just...
hellooooooooooooo to you to. Just remember to read the rules,and you will be fine. Cheers!
hello MLRR,i have a dying suspicion you are another member on a differant account,but if your not. Have a good time.
I said it in the first post.
I laugh,thats just bad.
I know,ill be there in a minute. on a side note,i got stung next to my eye by a yellow jacket.
in a minute maybe,just be pashent.
the effect is ok on both,but the poses are just bad. 2/5
yeh,well just dont do it again. Now carry on.
no,its when you post in a really old thread Forum Rules
there is no easy way to make a dome,but you can place a killball and build around it.
that is true,at least she is alive. Time for questions.
really? cause youve did it more than once.
I like biohazard,recon is so overdone,and where on gardian did you get that last one? Thats all i have to say about those shots,good set.
why would someone do that?
dont necropost
he looks like he backfliped over the edge. Its ok.
I like it. I couldnt tell it was a powerdrainer until they said it.
overused affect is overused. try something new and origanal. but for the effect,pose,etc. 3/5. He looks like he is going to commit suicide.
thats the worst caption ever,but the rat is cool,but ive seen it before.