Wow,there ceartinly is alot of power weapons. It reminds me of ascention in a way....from how the flow looks.
ohi .
you mean goldeneye 007? thats a good game.
uhh,no FPS's but gears has horde.
it will only take a minute,Im being british
onHX,cani get my name changed to halo kid. you know,without the numbers
come be fancy in the lolbox with me
if i had to guess,your not far from loyal.
welll i do,and im halfway to ranger.
did you hear i liek exterminator?
I have a feeling this will eb more fun than horde,and thats the best part of GOW2,so i looking foward to it.
I herd you like unsc spartan
eh....i guess itdoesnt matter.
Its ok,i did to.
yes,do you not remember?
I agree with above,but if you cant make your own,i would get sandheart manor by itzfezzywig.
our of curiosity,why did you send a friend request?
Ive got to the point where i dont play with real classes,i use a C4 only class,knife only class and a pistal only class. My brother uses a m4 and...
they are making another one?
1) halo3:odst 2)modern warfare 2 3)assasins creed 2 Thats all really.