thats some of the best sniping ive ever seen. Im going to have to call shenanigens on that guy.
uh....bbl to you to?
ok....but why arnt you fond of me?
uhh,go under the control panel,and look for the uninstall/installed programs. look through that until you find it,right click and put another icon...
Oh,i see what you did thar. If you can carry them over from the ark,what keeps you from using them o hunters and drones later on?
can i send you a FR on xbox live?
this place is alot like xforgery,to my understanding,so you shouldnt have to much of a bad time. Read the rules and spam off topic. (i kid,i kid)
I didnt know that jackels threw firebobms. /onsubject I think the hunters will fall easy to fire,but the drones will be almost impossible to...
Do you expect to win your first... lock plox.
no,by friends i mean just the people you talk to the most,play xboxlive with, etc,etc.
pokemon for the win!
I think it would be cool,but avatar overall is just a big failure. That stuff is for the wii. As for the color wheel. I dont think epic games...
quoted for the truth. I bet it only takes one frag to kill you now,so that would be seriosly unbalanced.
24 was my football number.and i added 0 to give it a military tag like feel.
it is painfull. on the other hand. Im getting my gamertag changed to just halo kid. its suprisingly not taken. as far as i can tell.
cool. I must gather a group of followers ,and create a coup to overthrow shock and become ruler!
...k. Its nice to know some people like me around here.
got stung by a yellow jacket next to my eye. It hurt,and its very swelled.