I love the guide,its the best switch guide so far,and it doesnt just focas on one. but please dont write in white text. Its very hard to read in...
I think that the first one was awesome,it looks like it would work out well with team based games. But We will have to wait and take a look at the...
hate to be a bother,but can I get my name changed to "halo teen the flargelblargingsuperheroofyourdreamswinly"....or just halo teen. what ever you...
I dont think thats possible,unless som of them were your team mates. I went 0-17 in my first game of call of duty. you didnt say they had to be...
I think the senery,I dont know if its just pesonal preferance,but its not ofter i see a movable senery on an MLG map,and i think that Unless...
My Sticky grenades,and just grenades in general. Ive never been good with sticking people in anything less then A close combat senerio. I dont...
I didn't know about the right click,I just knew it let you know you misspelled your word.
I have firefox but even then,I dont know how to spell,it just points out my stupidity.
lol,Im told that alot. I just never was good at spelling.
I see thar is a new wave of gardiuns,well congrats anywho. No infracts for friends lol.
gratz on gardian.
seriosly? what is the point of a picture of a general reath? if thats your halo rank,you could have mentioned it.
this map looks like it would work well, So far,my only worry is that walking across this would be a deathtrap. On foot,the vehicles would be a...
can i get a lock here?
that is a modded gametype and mods are prohibited on forgehub. go to a differant site if you want your gametype.
Wow,thanks,if it wasnt for this i would for downloading mass effect right now,I Still thinks its not all that bad,but the no trade in,and no...
try using the steel parts of scaffolding,and have them point down at an angle where you can jump on them,and clibm up.
you do sound like him,In my openion you have about the same forging skill.
sorry,but im not that kind of guy.