This was my first Rube Goldberg, so I also didn't have any know-how whatsoever of Halo 3 Physics. The only things I knew were that vehicles + golf...
:( sad faic. Ah well, I suppose it might look like favouritism if Bungie displayed someone's project on their front page, but didn't mention any...
I used the same timings as the original, so the amount of text in this is the same as the amount in the original. The original was very annoying...
Thanks everyone for your comments! Really makes the 4 days I spent on it (+ annoying siblings who wanted on xbox) worth it :) As some of you may...
Video removed for being rubbish, seemed like a good idea at the time lol. Could a mod please delete/lock this thread and send it to the dustbin...
YouTube - Anti-Camping Advert A parody of the Anti-Piracy (Piracy is a crime - "You wouldn't steal a car, etc.) advert set in a Halo 3 context...
Lol ye, I've finally put it up. It plays quite good, better than normal infection I think. But as Miraj has said, people who camp on the edge of...
YouTube - Halo 3 Rube Golberg (Bungie Day) My first Rube Goldberg, which I made for Bungie Day 09. Not the neatest forging, but it contains...
XD damn right. I think there deserves to be a Scottish only group on Forgehub, how many cool people do you think would join?
ooooh ye XD
I'm perfectly able to edit my own thread. Your opinion on whether I'm able to edit my thread or am dedicated to my map is unwanted + not needed....
I don't suppose that'd happen to be your "Darkness Fall" Gametype ;) I take it 43 is meant to be an exaggeration? I've only seen around 20 other...
Thanks for the feedback mate, sorry I've taken so long to reply (exams :(). Compliments are great, but in many ways constructive criticism is even...
is it just me or is this thread exactly the same as this one which you posted only a few days ago, just under casual instead of aesthetic? I...
My Gamertag's "Scottash", which unfortunately is the cause of much ridicule in pre-game lobbies, but it's worth it once I whoop their nooby asses....
Yeah, Spartan's tan. Unfortunately because of the blue + red lights I used for the screenshot they lit him up too much. Unfortunately, Cortana was..."][IMG] Made on the Skybox of Sandbox by Scottash. If I could change...
course I am XD. I assume by your pics that you are too :D
Thanks again for the feedback guys :D I'm still working on a game variant for it. So far I think that slightly faster zombies with less health +...
Hey mate, I really like the look of this map. Being a Star Wars fan I recognised it immediately XD The overall shape of it is almost perfect and I...