Shouldn't we add Slayer or Objective specific lessons to the Lesson Options/Descriptions. The strategies are so different most of the time and...
midship remake! Thank god bungie finally may have done something right. I hope this is true! Although Assembly didn't reportedly play well at PAX,...
most likely, once you get back on well talk about it cuz i need some objective (mainly king/ball) tips. Those gametypes I feel I'm not up to par....
The map is truly epic with very few problems. The stair bridge is amazing and hardly ever done. The forging was incredible, I don't remember going...
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A
iceworld was so awesome, i don't know if this will be too small or not but if it isn't you definitely have my d/l
with the save/quit method you brace the object you want to merge. Once you have your doors or w/e you use in the object you tap a ONCE in the...
sadly, pisses me off though that they let instinct win the slayer games, especially when that is prolly instinct's worst overall gametype. But...
wow carbon is playing a lot better than I (and probably a lot of other people) expected them to, they've got 2 straight on FB and its 2-0, so FB...
tD fer sures, FB looks really good, i was thinking instinct would get #3 but they way FB is playing they could easily crack the top 2
MLG Accepted weapons BR Carbine Mauler Rockets (1 only) Sniper (not recommended on foundry forged maps) plasma pistol NO EQUIPMENT No default...
make an account at and all the videos are on the site
this map is amazing aesthetically and in gameplay. Though it is still quite easy to break, it is a great map. It looks like all of your idea's...
I'm 90% sure im going back to Warcrack...WotLK sound so good right now EDIT: Nvm, it's not worth it right now
Latency, cool name! Mine was Zá with a gay ass accent, but $10 for a name change definitely wasn't worth it, also, highest level DK at the moment...
this has been discussed too many times to count, Far Cry = Map EDITOR/CREATOR type thingy Forge = Moving objects around there is no argument as...
I know there were other people to hit it before him, i read it in the article. But this is the first "legit" 80 in Blizzards terms which is a...
First legit level 80 in 27 hours (confirmed by Blizzard) Article Here kind of off topic, I just thought it was insane though
If i had any say-so you would have your 2nd feature and premium ASAP, you have constructed another amazing race track. 10/10
Map voted for: Syndicate Reason: amazing layout and aesthetics. I was about to go Plasma Park but map breaking isn't a real big deal if you know...