I do agree with you completely it is sloppy. Before I wasnt that great of a forger and I made this a while ago and wanted to post something before...
The VIP is black, but I made him black because Obama is, and I took the most recent president for the game
First off I would like to tell everyone my Rgeneration Map Pack is coming out soon and this is an extra map I made a while ago and just wanted to...
I agree with everyone, saying that it is sloppy but that can be improved even if you dont want to do it yourself. For any future infection tips...
Warzone 9/10 Very welll built look s good from all angles, a couple crooked pieces Elevation 7/10 well built again, couple crooked pieces,...
Thank you for your positive comment, and I did explain I put the wrong gametype in without 50% Regeneration. That was my mistake. Please keep...
You are righyt, I should have probably taken better pictures but whats done is done. The do look very good though. I also meant by the traits are...
Nice map and I also agree with LRMAN but if you wanna have fun fallow the rules. I love the idea and wish to see your other ones. Keep up the good...
Hello all Forgehub viewers, what I present to you is an Infected game played on a constructed building. This building was once used as living...
The maatter of the fact is, I try to be fair. I dont want to make someone suffer and not be able to win. of course it is plain too, but that...
Thanks for your comment, and hanks for the compliment on the map. You see my main idea for the elevator was to just put in more unique features....
This is probably my best map yet, without critizism for bad forging me and my friends think it's great. This map is fun for anyone who wants to...
Thanks for commenting, and your right it does seem hard, but the objective is for him to stick the ghost. You see, it should take about 2-3 sticks...
Thank you, it has taken me a long time to come up with an idea. Of course I couldnt steal anyones so unfortunatly I had to think of one my own....
First off, I would like to apologize for my 1st try and failing in getting ym pictures to show up. This fun gametype, Ghostem, is a gametype where...
thanks for your help. like image shack, a picture hosting site?
This fun gametype, Ghostem, is a gametype where regular players enter the Ghosts and just into the arena. The Alpha Zombies job is to run to the...