And before Issac Newton 90% of the world did not believe in gravity, and then he came up with the idea of gravity. But really, if you can't...
You could literally place a tin cup anywhere you want it, plop a wraith on it and you have a 360 mortar. I really like the natural designs of the...
Trying again at landscape/nature screenies, whatever they're called. This time in Cortana. I need some feedback on which is your favorite and if...
Huh, I underestimated you. Even though you can't get your pics right this is a really good map. You have a lot of ghost merging and I really like...
Add some more to the map, balance the vehicles by getting rid of the tanks and adding a ghost to the banshees side. Well, just make it more...
Learn how to ghost merge and maybe clean up the volcano to make it look more rugged and ghost merge the planes so they look like the crashed....
Beat me to it. (Damn) Two things: You should probably get some more pics on the inside of the mansion. And this should probably be moved to casual...
The aesthetics on this map are great, and since the map is broken into 4 by the walls it limits the snipers overall power on the map. The only...
Pretty much half of the maps in Halo only have movable objects to work with. And sandbox and foundry are the only one's without geometry. Plus...
This is my try at making screenshots of landscapes. What are they called? Nature shots? Anyway, I've seen many of those screenshots here at...
Now that you have it in the right place, you need to embed your pics. All you have to do it make a photobucket account, download your pics there...
Honestly, somebody yesterday posted a map of a jack o' lantern and it looked a lot better than this. But still, it's hard to make pumpkins since...
OMG was this from Mario Kart! And it looks like you have a good balance between weapons and vehicles. Nice! Are noobles rockets? And why aren't...
WTF. I don't know if I am the only one, but I don't think this map needs a banshee. Not really much you need to fix, just some minor things. For...
Because it is unnecessary and it is harder to read than just default or any color that isn't the same color as the background.
I like the background, but you are not making the most out of it. 3/5. FYI this has been done before.
Holy **** that looks delicious! I'm very jealous. Hasn't this done once before? Either way, this one looks better. More detailed than the older...
Looks good now, and people we don't need 50 people complaining on the same issue. One's enough. The interlocking is clean and I like the feel of...
It isn't perfect, but it is really good and this is pretty unique. Nobody that I can remember has made a jack o' lantern. I don't think he can...
If you add some cover and small bases to both sides this might actually look pretty cool. But it's not that special.