A very good looking dragon, not that scary, but actually kind of cute. It would be good if it were playable though.
Did you embed your sceenshots off of haloscreenshots.net? If you don't the links will either be broken or just not right. Can't wait to see it...
A few more pictures would be great. This game looks CRAZY... and I mean that in a good way. 7/10
Plenty of cover, good balance of weapons, and the map itself looks great. You've got my DL!
The layout of the weapons on this map look good and make the overall gameplay balanced. Somes parts like the center structure need to be...
It's not that much different from the first, but it's still good you made minor changes.
Some of the ideas on this map are unique and it looks like a good map. Some of the interlocking is sloppy though like in the second to last pic.
No pics, no desription. You really need to read on how to post maps. Go to haloscreenshots.net, then copy and paste the BB code onto your post....
Wow! I have never seen a map like this before. Needless to say, the map is original and the gametypes for it lookk great. The only thing you...