dont get me wrong i like the maps, but what is the point of adding ramdom objects does it relly change the gameplay?
cool, nice idea and nice construction
all these maps look fun and intresting but iam not sure about shanty town it does not look appeling to me
that smoke thing is a cool idea and the interlocking is super well done
looks pritty basic you should add more to the sides
this is the first infectino map i actuly want to play
the coffen thing is creative but it looks to complex for an infection map
looks nice but the interlocking looks a little sloppy
cool nice arina it reminds me of Derelict from halo combat evolved
looks fun but the pics are a bit confusing
nice, pritty basic, and it looks like you have a little amory there(not cool)
nice work with the interlocking it looks smooth
good idea but does it work with any other gametypes and can you walk away from the aerina?
it is basic but still solid gameplay
looks smooth but what are point of all the fuison coils?
more pics would be nice
cool but how do those things even work?????
nice solid map, it reminds me of a map i made a while ago
that hole ball return looks awesome!!!
all these maps look cool