in a way this should be a inspired by..... rather than a remake but anyways looks fun a little on the sloppy side try interlocking
i have been looking for a good solid map like this for a while, it is open and closed in good BR pratice i wound be surprised to see this on the...
well in v.2 im gonna get rid of the explotions and add some kind of aerina in the middle and sadly maby a sword, it will be for slayer, CTF, and...
looks pritty sloopy and plain some interlocking might help, sry but its just not that good
nice map its creative and nicly built but it looks like you can escape the boundries
sry you cant get your pice right from bungie, you have to get the code from imageshack and scroll down and get the HTML 1
there is nothing in the middle because you dont go into the middle, you hide behind the cover at your base and snipe at the other team takeing...
i just got off from testing it with all snipers, there is no lag and it is not like camping in one spot the hole time because most of the time...
i dont get it what is basket bomb? if i knew what basketbomb wa si could leave a real comment
i downloaded this map and it is soooooooooooo smooth and fun as hell, all the walls and ground are incredbly well done
i agree with yoyo interlocking would make it nicer and cleaner
you said there is interlocking but i dont see it? ps nice name lol
cool map but i dont relly get the point
nice interlocking it looks good and i like what you did with the active camo
i think i saw this on bungie but any way i like the way you used the light for a step ROFL
i like what you did with the boxes with the rockets on top very original
nice job it is good to see a map that is not all interlocked, ps nice way to keep noobs from horeing the sword
nice map yoyo i was planning makeing one like this but you beat me too it
for some reason this reminds me of halo 2 lol but anyways nice job with interlocking this must have took you forever to finish
i dont think it would because i was testing it for a solid hour last night and it never lagged at all