Okay, this is pretty nice. I mean, I applaud you for the effort put into this map via merging and interlocking, but I find it a bit unecessary....
I must tell you that this is really not that impressive. Now what WOULD be impressive is if you made full entire levels with fireworks in the...
Mediocre crafting. But overall a good map. And for crying out loud... WHY DOES EVERY INFECTION MAP IN ORBITAL/COLD STORAGE HAVE A LIGHTS OUT...
This is CRAZY COOL. This is the most original aesthetic mess around map I've seen so far on Sand Box. The reset is going above and beyond the call...
Wow! I just came up with a playable idea! First off, it's infection! Second off, let me explain the changes. Delete the floating tin cups and have...
Umm... How is this a V2? The only thing I can see being done is that you made the first minefield into a minigame. Other than that, why do you...
That's a point to be made. Why didn't you at least improve some of the slop before posting it??? I'll give this map an overall 6/10. I know it's...
Wow. It looks deviantly simple and elegant... maybe that's not the word. Either way I'll start off with my review and then move on to some item...
Nice fourth map and first post here at forgehub. I'm glad you think you have the hang of forging... Anyway, this is a little advice to all maps...
Uh huuuh.. Do you know what interlocking, merging, and guide blocks are? I know I'm a little lazy and I don't do too much interlocking or merging...
"First completed map"? How much hours did you spend practicing forging before you got this map in? This is better than any of my works on how you...
Who doesn't like explosions?? Hater! Anyway, the overall concept of the map has been done before (a 4 sided outer rim connecting to a centerpiece)...
Nice boundary interlocking. But it's overall pretty unoriginal as far as the design goes, and why's the centerpiece a sniper rifle???
Wow. It looks like you put as much effort possible to make this map extra small to have the excuse it's the smallest playable map. It's a little...
Well, obviously getting out of the map is out of the question, being that it's forged in the skybubble. But are people supposed to get on top of...
Overall you harnessed Orbital to work for you. I like how you made the various doors close, but I've never really been a fan of the whole "lights...
I don't like how the base is one-way in the fact that an ODST can make it to the top and just defend his perch from there. Overall there are alot...
Awww man! I hated this map! I think I actually knew the person who made it :P... But anyway I hope this one will be alot easier to kill the people...
For one I'd like an [outside] overview of the map. For two, action shots! We have no idea how this will play out if there's not alot of...
5/5. It's Foundryworthy in the age of Sandbox. Great job, although like all other great Foundry competitive maps, it looks a little too cliche. Of...