I played on this map. And the whole thing is MASSIVE. Plus there are several features you did not show during this post that are worthwhile to...
Well obviously the key feature to this map was the broken bridge. But 2 questions: 1)Being that the map is symmetrical does that mean even the...
You BETTER post this map, otherwise the thread will be locked. Not only do you need ot have a link, but you also need pictures. And nobody will...
If anyone downloads this, it's because they're impressed by the aesthetic towers. (You copied Valhalla!) But it's definately not because it's the...
Of course call me old fashioned, but if you want a turret not to be stationary, you could just place it on the ground so somebody could whack it...
Your pictures are way too hazy, I can't see anything properly.
Dude, the humans do not get enough time. I played this with friends and the simple fact of it is that if the "covenant" pick up needlers as their...
This is very original. I've never though of an Alpha Zombie>Human>Zombie gametype before. And this map does seem like it has more effort put into...
From v1 to v2, you didn't improve what really mattered. Look in the 3rd pic. With the "A" sign. You can back up off the sides and fall off. You...
I think that the whole point of an arena/colosseum type level is for the audience to watch. But there's way too much cover in such a cramped...
It's pretty smooth with some interesting turns. But why the juicy effect?? I cannot stand the way killballs look in juicy, but apparently that is...
The shape of the map is lovely, and definately as you said the crypt hole is the most distinguishing feature of this map. "People don't use BRs...
This looks fun enough to please the non-racing crowd. Keep it up! But next time you need to add in some bumps to your course, other than that.....
It's been done before. Don't feel special. But besides that, it seems like an alright sniper battle map. Personally I believe that you need to add...
How do you expect for a bunch of people to play in forge mode without quitting? Just kidding, the only problem with this game is that it's...
The center structure is useless in the fact you can't go under it. And also, why do the guys assaulting have snipers and magnums? This whole game...
Seems like a pretty nice update to Halo. I'm not quite sure I like it as much as Halo 2, though. That one will be a classic. But something I will...
I'll have to say the main issue in this was the concepts to it. It doesn't seem "jail" enough, and there aren't a large variety of things to do in...
Not escapeable? Well, from the video the gameplay includes starting grenades, and with those you can grenade jump over the wall and on top of the...
Wow. This is almost as good as a feature. I don't see why you'd worry about people not being "benign". This map is sweet. The concept of it I'd...