Nice. It seems to go all right for not being in the skybubble. Congrats on this map, as it is satisfyingly long but not necessarily an easy course...
No more pics needed for this one. I applaud you for escaping the typical race map layout, and adding a city feel to it. My large issue with it is...
You must not know there has been another map named Gridlock before, one of the community favorites of all time. But overall this map is not that...
Wow, this alone is extremely epic and awesone. The design alone is intriguing, and it deserves a 5/5. The concept of it, I can't really see it....
Cra-za-zy. This map it neato! My main point of constructive criticism is that the defenders don't have cover (well, they're in the sky, but...
This looks awesome, but you forget that it is MANDATORY to have at least one pic, otherwise the thread could be locked.. And we wouldn't want...
Okay, I'm not trying to spam you, just to inform you. Even though this map seems highly skillful and competitive, if it doesn't play standard...
Uh...huuuh. I'd have to say this is an improvement from the first. The new mancannon elevator makes it more difficult to camp. My main issue with...
This map is SMALL and shows one that this map is all design. The concept of this map... I don't even know what it is. NA/5. The design of this map...
Umm hummm... It seems only one of your pictures worked, and conveniantly the first one. Perhaps you should post the other pictures that way.
Okay, it looks like an earlier creation, but it still seems good. Of course some things were noobish of you to do (which I understand, as the...
People won't waste their time or their downloads for 1)A challenge map with no reward. 2)A single player challenge map. 3)If the two still don't...
This looks very cool. And it (the map) uses creative uses of interlocking, the only thing I find pointless is the double obelisk BR spawn. Very...
Wow. I love how this map is set up inside of a complex. I'm not going to lie, usually crappy maps are enclosed in a tight building, and usually an...
Well I'm NOT. Just imagine it Italics to represent fancy, bold to represent a point, and CAPS to represent a bigger point. And CAPS to represent...
Good job with this. My only criticism about this is that the church doesn't look like a church. Other than that, I love infection games on the...
For the most part, pretty decent forging, but the gameplay looks even better. Although I'm kind of thinking that you sort of got a little lazy on...
The big ship could use a little more expertise in forging to look authentic. But besides that, what's to stop people from camping in the big ship?
Okay, I got ALOT of this just from the pictures, and that is HARD! I don't think I'll ever be attempting this being that I don't trust a companion...