We need more pictures, and we need them bigger. If there are no good pictures, no one will download the map. If no one downloads the map, then how...
Nice, nice. You shouldn't have placed the equipment due to color, though. The radar jammer seems pathetic and like it would never work. Advantage,...
Ummm... Yeah. HARD. Decent forging, but there really isn't any replay value to this if you ever beat it.
No! Not WALL-E! This is a very awesome map. The only thing that I can think to improve it would be to replace the sniper with a rocket launcher!...
Wow! You listened to me! Remember, I was the one who told you to get rid of the red lights for a more "covenant feel" you put exactly that in this...
EPIC. This is better than any foundry or sandbox cops and robbers I've seen, and it's on Sandtrap! You have a genius way of using the natural...
Sweet. How come, though, that the rocket is open in the first pic but not the second? A good map though 4/5. Why doesn't it support other gametypes?
I'll send you the message, too. Is "MST" Mountain Time? If not, then tell me when is Mountain Time. If I can join you, I'll invite all my online...
The boat is perfect. Perfect in every way, if refurbished might be a competitive map of its own. But this belongs in the casual section, with...
There's no weapons list! We must see this to criticise you! The shield doors may add a little decent gameplay, but they're ugly. Actually, that's...
A couple of things: You can only get the custom powerup from the side? The whole structure just gets in the way if the powerup's gone. The shield...
Retarded name, sweet map. I like how it has a city feel. This map takes advantage of the elevation in the crypt and truly makes it seem large....
It's very good. But the floor of Sandbox wasn't used much so this might have well just have been in the skybubble. There's some odd useless...
What a piece of crap. I'm pretty sure this could be a FUN racing map on three conditions. 1)Forge it in the skybubble. 2)Make the whole map a...
You have decent forging next to crappy forging altogether in the same pictures. For one: Why is the third fencewall turned opposite? For two: You...
Geez. Worthy of a feature more than Triton's Twist. I can see why you retired, I couldn't put up with 10 maps worth of this crap. How long did it...
Never once have I ever encountered a party willing to hang out in a club and mess around. If they ever do, then they'll play on the Mile-High...
Create a map and gametype revolving around the drop pod. I do not want to make it myself. That would be applauded for originality and you would be...
The Tin Cups in front of the castle seem a little useless. Perhaps you can delete them and place a double wall or double block or huge block. Or...