If that does not suffice, what kind of infraction will I recieve? Testimonies are all I have, and everyone in the party is a friend of mine.
Sorry, that's pretty much all I have. Until recently we were pretty good friends, man. I want it to stay that way. You make me lolz.
I think I know a way to proove it. Both IxGUNxSLINGERxI and HaloStriker were in the party whilst I did it, they will confirm that. That's why...
Do you know when Shock will be on?
There is no way I can prove that, DQ refuses to speak with you. If you weren't ignoring me then why would you never respond to my PM's on GoO?...
Paranoid..of what? Oh teh noes the big scary monster is going to lay down his infraction on me. It's not that, dude. I've been nothing but nice to...
Refusal to talk to me solves nothing.
Why hello there, good sir.
Hey there. =)
Then I guess you can go ahead and infract me, unless you can get online and I can trick DQ into getting into a chat with you.
How do I prove that?
I gave DQ my password, I temporarily changed it to "Dragoncoals" because he wanted to talk to you about something, I have since changed it back...
Are you going to play Clue tonight?
****ing brown nosing *****
Ur so gayayayayayayayyyay
Sarge is gayyyayyyay
I did not say that! WHAT IS GOING ON?
Corrupt staff much?