Just a Small Town Girl...
Just a small town girl...
Pretty please with sugar and cherries on top!?!
You make me sadfaic...the only two other people that play with me are DQ and my friend Emma...Emma is in Florida and DQ is...well, DQ.
**** Zombies?
It's just not the same. I tried it, but it just wasn't fun, that's why I ran out and got a MS Point card.
You can haz get on nao, pl0x.
Oh...so I herd it twas' ur day of birfz.
Why'd you boot me? I was all liek sadfaic.
When it's only us he's okay, but when someone joins he starts screaming.
Why does DQ have to be such an asshole to everyone he meets? I mean holy ****, how does he have a Girlfriend? I highly doubt it, it's probably his...
Any idea as to what I should do with the other points?
DQ backed out, can you still play?
Twas' on the Stream, my lord. Speaking of that, about to play CoD:Waw, **** Zombies on Shi No Numa, anyone want to play? I'll broadcast it, so far...
So, what are you up to?
I know, the minute my trial ran out I went to the store to get some MS points to buy it...so worth it.
Ha, now DQ wants to play...
..with sugar and cherries on top? XD
Pretty please. =)