YouTube - Whitest Kids U' Know - Slow Jerk
First, you were in the LOL Box chatting while he was doing it! If I could go that far back in the LOL Box Archives, I would. Second, sorry, I...
Oh...I see. But hasn't he heard of the 5th Ammendment? I should not be tried for the same crime twice.
Ahh, I see, but since I have already been delt with and the consequence has been delivered, wouldn't it be best to leave it as it is?
@Sarge, you have been in the Lol Box several times when S5, or Sweeney, has made both racist comments and VERY rude comments, and to my knowledge...
I'm confused as to what is going on =(
Invite me to a party, nubfaic.
Invite me to a party, faicnub.
Who is LoveGlove4? Sharp said you would know.
scarfac3d's channel on
¿Va a jugar con zombies nazis mí?
Can you play GH:Metallica later tonight?
She took the Midnight train goin' aaaannnnnyyywheeeree!