This is a map i have been working on for a while know, actually i think i have been working on it since Bungie day which is pretty cool. I...
Finally! Hmm lots of good ones but not i order i gotta say 1. Of the Essence 2. The Hollow 3. Heli-Pad 4. Messiah 5. Gold rush Sooo basically...
Wow! Super sexy base! You have to finish this one... And i top view, like now, i really need to see more of this map.
Pretty cool. The whole running away from rocket thing in mongooses has been done before but i quite like this one. Anyways i reallly look forward...
Looks really good, not much maps have been poste in a while so its always nice to see a great MLG map. Gold side is cool with that golden path,...
Love it cant wait to see who wins. Also really like how each map has its own style. Great job.
[NO NAME] (Slide map) This is just a small project i have been working on. I havent made a jump map in a while so i decided i might as well. This...
lol, what you dont have to tell me about jumping... Also slide jumping is not known as bunny hopping, bunny hopping is very different...
Long jumping? By that do you mean late jumping, or slide jumping? It all looks like a series of basic jumps. Before i download, are there any edge...
Horray for uber smexy map! When i glanced at the preview pic i knew this was gonna be something great... Glad to see its out already, i`ll be...
Hmm... This is really neat looking... Another great 1v1 map, where do you get the ideas..?
Well a race track on ghost town is really unique, i`ll give you that, although showing mongoose start point and a bit more of the map would be good
I dont know much about puzzle maps, but i do know that you make some of the most challenging things ive ever seen... I went insane doing your...
I do have to agree with everyone, the lights add a really great effect and im loving the cave like look. Cant wait to see it when its finished.....