Break Dancing Facial Expressions - YouTube
The only thing grif likes is profit.
You know Chuck's cousin?
Aww you guys have the same birthday
Hello Flamingo
Hey sarge
This is the strange truth.
Viewing Single Post - NeoGAF
Also Frankie said that clue was not referencing mexico.
no he doesn't
Oh well. This is what I get for not playing Halo in forever. On a related note, what about the pure forms from Halo 3?
They had enough health where it took several shots from the pistol to kill one.
Assuming that the humans will continue to spawn with a shotgun and a pistol, carrier forms can be very dangerous. Carrier forms have a lot of...
No he doesn't
Who does?
Yeah, because carrier forms are never dangerous in campaign.
I didn't care for any of the new reach weapons, except for the DMR. I'd rather they create new ones rather than re-use old ones anyway.
pffft. It's not like the holocaust even happened anyway fixed
IMO, the CR in Reach is way to effective at blowing people around. It's super annoying.