cigarettes shouldn't have the same rights as humans
Obviously Promethean Vision was too OP so they just combined it with the thruster pack
This hurricane is just God warning all of us that Mitt Romney needs to be elected or more hurricanes are to come
It's not like 11 people have died or anything
I think it would be more fun if thrusters didn't change your POV but if it's in the name of balance, so be it.
good thing my house is insured under obamacare
That was also a leaked version of the game.
**** yeah.
conspiracy alert
This page actually loaded pretty quickly.
it means grif should start looking over his shoulder
My posts were merged...
[spoiler] Anyway, I watched it with my mom and of course she didn't like it because she didn't understand it.
I just watched Memento. I only have one question, who was the good guy?
no leaks omffhghg security, get bant -chrst!!!
Do Jewish people believe in hell?
Sarge did post a video of himself reading his poetry on his youtube channel
Did Halo 3 have precision movement?