It seems that EGM dislikes Halo 4 for the complete opposite reasons that we do.
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I bet Stouf's family is pretty wealthy relative to most of us. People like Grif don't just hang out with the common man. I played a lot of Far...
So one could potentially get banned from Halo and LIVE permanently if they had enough complaints filed against them? Yes, this can't be abused at all.
Halo 4 and GTAV for me. Also Bungie's next game.
The whole point of Master Chief being a master chief is that it is the highest possible rank without being an officer. That's why Bungie chose it.
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Change Of Letter - G Replaces P - YouTube
I dare you to just eat one thin mint.
Weird, that's one of my favorite additions.
You say that as a Halo fan, not as an optimist.
Is giant bomb the only reputable review source on the internet?
I imagine the kill times of weapons will be changed around a few times after the game is released.
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how dare you put suggestions in my mouth
That's what I was getting at
I'll trade you
A dingo took your baby?