lol Im hoping I can get Zycon v3 really good so far it does look sexy lol
Im almost done with three awsome maps lawlz
I finished it but everyone who just starts it will have alot of trouble and get frustrated
Yah im thinking of makeing a version 2 with my friend and use the infinite money glitch cause we kept running out of money
no it is ODST inside Mark VI
Download-> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is a cool picture I took a while ago some people say its...
well all that is going on is he threw a trip mine which blew up my chopper and i got this the thing on the left is the chopper
looks good but you cant see much of the map so yah add some overview shots
this map looks awsome dude
looks good nice job 4/5
I agree with Incinerat3d except doesnt look extremely sloppy
I wanted the bump there
it looks really open to me maybe add some more walls or crates or something
hey thanks everyone says the upper floor isnt that greatly interlocked cause there is some bumps but besides that everyone loves it.
Download here------> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing my awsome screenshot If i did something wrong tell me...
It looks like it involves a flare because whats the floating sunlike thing
is it showing now?
can i just make a link to the slideshows i have on youtube because that would be easiest for me
once again if they arent working how do i make them work?