I made a sig lol Its not amazing though i just made it on paint
and i never said they were horrible I only said to me they didnt look that good and someone else might say they are good or something
My friend has tons of pictures like this and he wont tell me how he does it
to me they dont look that good but people have different opinions.
I usually just forge and if what i started comes out good I start thinking of what I should add and sometimes I look at really good map find...
you should try to find more of your friends on live that have a forgehub acount so far I found 3
I made a crane on zycon lol but it looks good because it kinda makes the level look more like a construction site
Hey xanon its me meleemaster I told you i got a forgehub acount lol I saw you on the picture forums and i was like is this the xanon that i know...
I think it would look cool with some kind of BOOM or explosion in the backround and not very original
This is a cool picture I took in the blackroom in snowbound not blueroom and i thought it was cool because no one has used the effect that the...
looks good I like the layout of the map but looks like you couldhave made it better 4/5
Yes it is set up for team objectives some people dont like the gameplay for this map though I think because the bases are the buildings in V2...
It looks good I like the tunnel but more pics would be nice but from the pics you got looks good
Looks cool but it looks like you didn't take that much time on interlocking and merging have you tryed using guidelines?
Ok I will get more pics il try to get them on as soon as I can and for those of you who haven't downloading just wait to see were the overshield is
ok i got to go anyways il send you a invite when you get on seeya
If you can get on i can show you maybe you can tell me if anything should be added or moved or whatever and also zycon is my first ever foundry...
dude i worked on Zycon V3 and dude it is coming out insane im hoping I can test it soon tell me if you want to help test it because im going to...
I changed the download link so hopefully it works for you guys it did for me
I have edited the download link since bungie.net files have changed hopefully it works