Not midship but if you look at this pick closely it does look like Narrows. The Bridge! Also, it looks like the campain level on Halo2 when high...
Dave its Purple Reign read the update on bungie I have a link it was know as Purple Reign now its Assembly.
Heres some thing you'll want to see Assembly Read all about it. These are all the picks of ASSEMBLY![IMG] [IMG][IMG] [IMG][IMG] [IMG][IMG] [IMG]
The first to pictures are of the room were you get the ice beam in Metroid Prime the first one. Thats were you have to go into ball mode and roll...
Bungie didn't make pelicans flyable in the other map packs so that tells ya they won't be flyable in the others.
Assembly I know is one but you don't know the maps in the mythic pack Assembly-Forumerly know as "Purple Reign" Moon Base Alpha- Working Title...
Sweet Map dude this is funny also how all doors are traps.
Cool map dude 5/5.
4/5 map dude still great but it would have been better if you made the ghost fall down.
Cool map 5/5
Fabulous map dude really great and it gave me a new map idea with ships. Thanks a ton.
Type: Weapon Class: Human Name: Delta Sniper Description: The bullet is a sniper bullet but its power is a needler. If you get a head shot it is...
Those are just concept art for ideas of warthog what I'm saying is to look at the one at the far end right and choose which carrying hog is better.
Its good but not great good try though.
Which would you drive [IMG] or this[IMG] heres a link to see a better image of it its the one on the right end Carry Hog
Ya has anyone ever see an elite eat something no never seen before we know they don't eat humans.
It would be cool what I would want is you could choose to be the Humans and Elite team or The Covedent. You could choose for humans each armor...
Every time I've join a custom game party they always do infection.
Blackout is Lockout and the only similarities they have are that there both really made for Lone wolves games.
I so support this you got me on this program. This will so tell bungie that they need us for a reason.