Dude fix the post look at the top of the page were it says Home Forums Rules Foundry Design you are just lazy if you need a link when its right in...
Really cool map dude 5/5 I really like the under ground part leading to the flag.
Read the rules noob. If they won't load to your computer you either were not connected to live when you took them or you which this happens to me...
I really hope the next map packs will be good and not lam like the legendary map pack. What I didn't like about it was that avalanche was bumpy so...
How and why did the guy get banned?
Its done now and the links are the blue
Sentinel Track is a CTF my friends and other people gave it a 5 star rating. Great 4 on 4 bad for Big Team.Weapons list will be up soon. Also, on...
Well one we can tell your new because of your rank and two READ THE RULES don't waste a stupid comment like that on this kind of thread.
Fabulous map dude. 10000000/10000000 I don't give these out often
Really weird map, but somewhat I think its funny.
4/5 not that good to me.
Dude thats funny it looks like a grunt scupper like a dust pan, but with wheels.:haha:
Man I just thought of something for infection on this map if they gave us walls in forge we could make a spirit or a phantom out of items in the...
Great map dude 5/5
O I so hate those kind of little brats they always wine about thats not fair or hay that was mine. Once in a custom game on of those little brats...
We all know that Assembly isn't going to be used a lot for forging infection, well it could actually be used for that since there are small rooms,...
Of course you haven't see anything on bungie.net all that site is used for is the Bungie Weekly Updates to check on new information on the Mythic...
Sniper and BR or Sniper and Shotgun.
Heres some information about Assembly. Design Due to the name, possible origin, and structure of the level, some fans have speculated that this...