Not to be mean but the people that act stupid in the game are acting like that because either they want to get kill or they are just having fun...
Valhalla-the hall of Odin into which the souls of heroes slain in battle and others who have died bravely are received. That is the definition I...
Before I wasn't going to support, but now I will because I am actually wanting to make my own videos,but since so of the people that I want in my...
Why would no one believe you its been talked about for like two weeks? Anyway the only thing in this update was the achievements. I really wonder...
This is Bungies newest update telling all about the new achievements. You can also go here to see the Bungie Weekly Update 9/05/08. Achievements...
Nicely made map dude 5/5 I like the room with the hornet and the outside of the ship. [IMG] Its Assemble time men in the Purple Reign.
Really great map due 5/5 really great job on making the shoot in the front and making the ship look like its falling off the edge. [IMG] Its...
Really great ship dude 5/5 I love the ship launch spot in the front of the ship.
Really nice interlocking dude 5/5 like the ship's engines and the room with the switches that don't do anything.
The elephant I really don't think it looks great its really badly made sorry, but 2/5.
Looks cool dude I like the look of the ship, but you really need some more pictures.
Great Map dude I like the waterfall and the structure in the middle.
Dear other forgehub new users and ones that have been here for a long time, I am making this thread for the users that are at the map limit...
Nice design dude I really like the pool and well everything else love it. I would download but its hard for me to get more map space.
Wow dude this is really great I specially liek the bridge ways.
Didn't someone say that the achievements will be added on the 25th and the map pack?
Right now I think that Heretic is a remake of the Campaign level in Halo2 the one with the Heritics. :confused:
Thinking about it now I don't know how they would release the mythic pack in a month they don't even have much info for Space Camp also know "Moon...
I still don't get how we can get the 7 exp on th 7th does that just mean we have to get 7 exp points and also all we have to do with the skull...
This happened to me also, a couple days ago. I know what it was for me, it was that I forced quited and then I chose Restore Session when I should...