woah... that looks great. went to the bungie link. by the way though, your second link brings users to THEIR recent screen shots.... you...
invisible eyes for team games? with something timed inside to kill them?
what if you interlock two boxes? will you be able to travel around them all? if so you could make interesting spots for things like CTF. a...
one question. how? O.o
that's excessive don't cha think?
Mongoose mowdown was my first achievement. was in high ground down by the missile pod, hopped on the mongoose, and chassed down 3 players. almost...
he DID use all 16 bridges XD
the sword does still spawn. at normal rates to. any pit match or construct match, and get the sword. A triple kill is easy to land in the pit....
aren't you running a thread about this topic right now xD it's not. this map look fine as is. some of the items have been rushed when placed (...
the forge hub is still a discussion and map based website xD with out voicing our opinions we might as well go back to Bungie.net. the threads...
I agree completely. Myself and My friend, All_Is_Dust have recently been trying to use other weapons as much as possible, and people always...
seems interesting. enjoy the teleportation towers. gonna DL when i get back home. and claimage to the first post
thanks. and as for the camming comment, i tried my best to make that impossible. I ran out of places to put spawn points. and spawning areas are...
not saying that the BR is not useful... nor am i saying that it sucks. I love it. I just get bored with it that's all xD if you force game...
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=590920083 Backlund Mathew [edited] why not construct a group? Forge Hub ?
what you COULD do to further contain the CHAOS in one spot is to spawn shield doors and save them being held flat. make a roof you can jump and...
nice Av map. nice all maps actually XD take your epic win sir. it has been earned.
looks good. Added to my list of maps to DL'd when i get home. love WELL made vehicle maps for foundry. and this seems to go above and beyond by...
^_^ TELEPORTING!! you and i should make a map together. I'll try this one and see how it is.
Ill DL'l this when i get home. i love maps the have things like the boat or shops or building that make since, aren't blocky.. like your ship...