looks good. I like the amount of thought effort and design. Dl'd.
do you have any idea why when i someties force objects into the ground in foundry that are only two walls deep, the level sckecthes out and the...
Sweet I like. made it so we are invulnerable so no honour rule neede. I love gametype maps like this that have been made so that they actually...
What's up with the hundred spawn points outside of Isolation ?!? am I the only one that noticed that?
I like it. what you've done is nice. no more interlocking needed. DL'd
.........? Contradiction? (O_o?) anyways nice map. another good MLG map. well done.
you seem to have taken huge amount of time. DL'd. question, how did you stop spawn killing? are you using Spawn areas or assigned spawn points?
:) NIIIIICe map. added to list of dl's. wont be till sunday though... U_U I like the bridge lowering the amount of viewing you can do. well done
This reminds me of a map I once saw... cant remmember the name but it used conquest as well. you make that one as well? cant remember....
I quote us both. No alternate Secret endings. Only endings are the one were master cheif is floating around in the half of ship, and goes into the...
XD One of my maps took me 12+ hours a day for 4 weeks. I'm a perfectionist >_> I like that you did the green and yellow. away from the norm of...
There's lots of em. you can find them on you tube. plenty of people compiled the easter eggs. however >_> you will find 1000.s of fake BS...
Holy cow love it. NICE NICE NICE. my DL limit is at 8 for now until I go back home, but you have been added to my list of must DL'd latter NICe
That's only cause in SWAT you got no sheilds. any maps that i make, I love incorperating the trip mine. But I always have to set like.. all four...
I like the lay out, but I am not a fan of Firebombs.. don't know why just never liked em. I do like that you put the stairs half into the...
why not have some very tiny edgese to slow you down if wanted? like... slopped so you slid but still... looks interesting, reminds me or Urban war
Seems worth a Try. I like simple maps meant to get the game going sometimes. Dl'd
I LOVE simple maps. plus. sheild doors :3 i like the ramdomiszation of the simplicity. keeps spawn kills to a minamal. you have my DL...
I love Sheild walls. Don't know why eveyrone else hates them. And this map seems to use pretties ^_^ Therefore, good sir, you have earned my DL...
Can I change this one to :3 ? hopefully you have fixed the spawning spot. In "Cover and Go!", they were all clumped. All my buds did was go down...