(?_?) language filter trick?
once i get the dl back up, please dl it and try the floor. the floor is meant to have that look. trust me i could have merged it but i felt for...
but you get team snipers in team matchmaking (?_{?})
I said mech planet? (?_?) its not onxy but you get to the mech planet by means of onxy. and i think when people are saying the legendary...
why does it seem i am the only liker of ARs? (Y_Y)
seem's good. and i personally think using the name that bungie made is fine XD there are like... 60 maps here with the name traning area or...
Furious, your work is amazing, and this is most helpfull for me. I give thanks and use this great tool now to fix that stupid spawn killing...
How do the Man Cannaons in Narrows Function then? are they more powefull manconannons? if so why do people still fly by if hit mid flight? I've...
you = spawn god. The numerical values of 100... random for easier explanation or actual? It matters not cause it explains the system clearer,...
.....Oh. THAT helps me a TON. thank... ** runs to desperatly fix that stupid spawn killing problem**
I'm assuming we have full access to the images we create here to be used in posts? thanks man well done :)
why do i only see html code ?_?
:) nice. now if only we could somehow move THIS level to like... avanlanche or standoff with a SUPER TELEPORTER ...arg.. i guess not.. but...
I like the Wart hog dispension trick. This could work with grenade or weapons or anythign really... you oculd use angle grav lifts. well done :)
wow.. I have never thought of tha :) incorperation of next map for sure
personnally, if i have the walls left over, I'll just merg em or use window panels if i haven't used those yet and make a small resting edges or...
Dear God. you have blessed us all with this guy THANK YOU for categorising all this information for us to use. you sir, Take you epic win,...
I am not a fan of Armories..... Leads to total ownage for eh first guy in. this is the fith map that I've seen that has incorporated the...
no. you wont be able to do that... you can't do that now.. how ever, I did once meet a guy in lone wolves five matches in a row. but that was a...
I just wish bungie had made a functional Ladder object in forge. so that when you hit it, you run to the other side/edge, no matter waht direction...