the only thing i meant to wiki was the halo bible XD bungie hides it in a safe. Its their total collective archive of the halo universe...
Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter.
Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter. and i congratulate you for witting the LONGEST run on sentence....
Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter. nice except that i hate Firebomb grenade's. ill add more after DL...
Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter. amaxzing from what I see. nice job man. ill put more after DL and...
Why not have the custom power ups RIGHT in front of the dumpster set to instantly respawn? that way it truly does sense you and it will...
GAHGHADGHKSDLGH silly Spawn problems. messes are happening. keeps spawning in 3 of 72 and i don't know why. trying several things with other...
yeah lol separate games completely. Halo Chronicles is something bungie said peter could have fun with, while still staying within the rules of...
GEEEEZ guy! Love the merging in this level. you created some pretty original buildings. love the look to both sniper towers, but i Must say I love...
Caption: " ARARRARG A FLGKJAD KSFD DF GLSKD GSKDL GJSFD G I WILL RUN THY FACE WOTH MY WIRES!!@!!!" Added to list to be dl'd. well done man i...
U_U not a single DL. This makes me sad. A rating but no DL. the first version had 26 dl's U_U
nice. Added to my list to dl when i empty my que list. well done. I LOVE TELEPORTERS ^_^. I LOVE CHIRON this is a PERFECT piece of cake -^.^-
A blank canvas map is considered a map. this is no different. and obliviously its for kicks and giggles >_> (!)_(!) well done at making the...
Gorgeous and beautiful... but its not a working ladder. a working ladder can be used both way. Its an aesthetic one way ladder. but best attempt...
Tex and crew, I Love X and U Now I Will also love S of course, DL'd. I am expecting the creepy perfection that you guys always deliver
wow seems interesting wont the people in the bottom end up going no wheres? or do the people up top kill the other pusher while trying to stay...