Melee check out the new layout for my profile, tell me what you think of it.
I really don't like picture Sig's. I think what I have is awesome as a Sig, although I will ask my friend if he could make a Sig for you, alright?
Melee, shame, why are you in red bar? And have you made anything new, or awesome? (I got the RROD, although I should have my Xbox back in about 2...
You have my friends MLG Team name :) Gunned Down
This really looks amazing, and I love the idea of the train. And this map really gives Foundry that Urban feel that everyone craves! Congrats...
Well GT like "Tizoxiz" just sound cool, and are fun to say. And maybe they stand for "T iz sick" Same thing goes for my GT - IB u IN N ii You...
I can solve a Rubik's Cube in about 30-40 seconds on average. I believe my fastest solve was 17.83 :) But still good job if you can solve it, really.
I didn't cry when I played it, although the Gears of War story absolutely demolishes ever other shooters story line. Some parts were quite...
Well see if they make Recon so easily accessible in the game, no longer will it be so prized. Many people dream, and treasure it because of its...
Well the first thing is that I see a sniper! That's way too much for Foundry, it gives you too much spawn control, and since this seems like a...
Some of the weapons are excessive, although it seems like a good map for CTF or Bomb. With a little tweeks on looks and weapon placement, I think...
I got the RROD, and major video problems, thus I sent in my Xbox. Everyone looking at this profile, I will not be online for about 2 weeks.
I like your new GT Kondense, really sick :)
Then why does it say its ForgeHub's birthday when you go to the Calendar, since your an Admin, I advise fixing that...
That's said, but at the same time pathetic...And worst of all it was because of **** of Duty Modern Gay **** Stupid, not Halo......
Today, on November 7th is ForgeHub's Birthday! We should all honor this day, and thank the Creators for making this awesome website, a place to...
Sorry to everyone who is a part of this group. My Xbox got the 1 RROD, I'm going to have to send it in to get it fixed :)
Thats awesome melee. Although the shitty part is that my Xbox got the 1 RROD. Meaning I'm going to have to send it in to get it fixed, although I...
Hey, I see you are an MLG personal, or at least you like the gametypes. Could you help me test out a new map I have created for the MLG playlist,...
Big thanks for the update on were to Recommend the maps :)