Hey, Smeagle. Check out the Halo Speed Quiz and see if I did what you wanted me to do?
Alright, I'll see what I can do about the actual Question answering, and how it is annoying to go up and down the page. And I already have posted...
You gave me a pretty good idea, asking question about the grenades, and how you communicate and interact with you team. Also thanks on telling me...
1. I use Mega Font to grab people's attention. 2. 'Fresh' means brand new, just respawned, has a full clip (ammo) and has not been touched by...
Sure, anytime. Just Join the FREE MLG Lesson Group, and I will get back to everyone as soon as I get my Xbox back from the repair shop. Which...
Hey Smeagle, do you know how to give links to things, but not actually show the link. Like make the Word be Blue, and when you click on it, it...
Well I can pretty much teach you anything you want to know about MLG. How to Strafe, and BR better. Were you want to go on the map, also some...
MLG 4v4 Slayer - MLG Guardian - MLG Pit - MLG Construct - MLG Narrows - MLG Amplified (Foundry) - MLG Blackout The maps I don't care for - Last...
WOW! You do not want for that to happen. I play Halo competitively, and I got sponsored by GameBattles last year. My point is that I play with...
Well its just like the title says. I have composed a Quiz that contains 20 Questions, that are Multiple choice, but they have no Wrong or Right....
Hello everyone, this is a place to discuss the Halo Speed Quiz. I hope you enjoyed taking the Quiz. Here you may compare answers, remember that...
Thanks :)
Well hello Thar... I promise that you will enjoy your stay here at ForgeHub, and that you'll make new Friends. You can add me any time, but if...
Hey DomiBoy, I just say Mastar become a Loyal just like you. I have 1 question for you. How exactly do you become a Loyal?
Good job on the Loyal :)
I think this is a hoax, and they just upped the damage. If you look at the end of the video, when the guy goes up the lift and starts shooting his...
I have Allience and Horde. I forgot what realm I play, but I have a: Allience - Level 70 Mage (Got most of my EPICZ) Leve 62 Pally...
Wat's up Walshy? Could I play with you sometime?
oooooMFG! Itz the RANDOM SAUCE!
Very nicely done, a lot of aesthetics. I like the idea, although it is a bit too original on the fact that it is yet another Sword 1v1 battle it...