Hey, this actually look pretty nice. I like the layout you did, its kinda Fresh, gives me new ideas. And the design for the bases looks good, and...
Maturity depends a lot upon the people you center yourself around. I believe you mature when you start looking at the world in a different...
Well do you play a lot of MLG, or do you just play regular Matchmaking Team Slayer were everyone just runs straight towards you?
Thanks for joining the MLG Lesson Group. I will get back to everyone, and start the lessons as soon as I get my Xbox back form the repair shop...
Well to learn how to post pictures of you map, follow the Link.
These tips are very nice, although when you shoot someone with a BR, you don't want to just aim for their head. A perfect 4 shot consists of 3...
I think this Link will help you find the information you are looking for.
Yoo Ender. I think I know you, I played MLG Customs with you before. Do you know iEdukation? Anyway, Nice map, I looked at the screen shots on...
Sorry for Double Posting, but I have found out yet another big problem. If you go to people's ForgeHub profiles, and look were their GamerTag's...
Wow this sounds like a major problem. Too bad I'm not there to experience it, my Xbox is is being repaired by the "people" (Xbox 360 elves that...
Quite interesting, sounds cool, and has a catch beat and lyrics to it. I like the Chocolate Rain one better though.
I agree with Novak, about when you hit your 42-50 in MLG, you no-longer get paired up with the ignorant, annoying, self-centered MLG Pro...
Hey, killermuffin. You asked Team FH to scrim against you, so I'm guessing your looking for scrims, if you are, hit me up any time. Me and my Team...
I can be on Team FH if you want me to. I have a 50 and a 48 in MLG. Although the games we will have to play for Team FH will in no case get in the...
Well maybe you should but a Team together. I have 3 accounts. 2 of them are expired, but are both Generals...And the other one I use is registered...
Just before you make something like this, make it a bit more presentable, and eye catching. And just as a question, what Rank are you in MLG?
Looks really nice, I like the layout, and it has a really good Urban feel to it. I really like how you incorporated a lot of Bridge/Stairway...
Looks pretty nicely made, although you defiantly want to cover up the Corners, it makes for faster gameplay, it makes for MLG. (Image 5) You also...
GT - IB u IN N ii The origins of my GamerTag head back to my pets, and MLG. As a little kid, I loved Bunnies, and as surprised as you may be, I...
I put my answers at the bottom, so people could look at them when they are done. I didn't put them were the Worksheet is at because I wanted to...