21 Eh? Have a good one. If you're not hungover tomorrow morning, you did something wrong ;P
If GoO is telling the truth... Happy birthday good sir!
I agree with you completely. I haven't posted anything new here for some time, and probably won't again. As you said, I have a few other forums to...
Is it just me or has GnA here gone to ****?
Hey, I was on holiday and only just got back, sorry :P Here's the link, I'm sure you realise you have to hit download to get all the sizes at dA....
I'll be away on holiday until Sunday love, No interwebs and a small place by the sea sounds good to me. Wahey for getting away from the city for a...
"It's not rape if you shout surprise!"
You do realise you can toggle the ODST's helmets on and off, right? There are videos from E3 showing it in a Firefight Lobby.
That would be rape, and you should report them for it!
It's still cheating James, it's still cheating... :(
I'm jealous of all these other guys giving you attention. It feels like you're cheating on me! xD
****ing 'ell Boydy, Urk is one of your recent page visitors o.O lololololol.
I remember seeing the exact screenshot you're talking about. As far as I remember, some game objects occasionally glitch and their skins don't...
Basically, there are three payments for Games on Demand - MSP, Credit Card and Debit. That's for certain since Major Nelson himself said it. I got...
Ah, why thank you, it's actually a cropped area of a wallpaper I made ;D
He didn't necessarily have to have gotten the idea from gH, they do have little 'award' type things at many places, Planet Renders for example. I...
Nah it's still there man! ****ing scary ****. If she's on and I'm on, just send me a message, yo.
Yeah, I'm still lol'ing at the fact it's still there o.O I am on you silly *****!
I'm not sure to be honest, I'll either keep Y54 if you can have the option of three, but if four letters is compulsory, probably ASAM. We shall see.