You too man, was really fun even though we lost! :D
Really fun SNF man, thanks for giving us the opportunity to play with you guys. I'll PM you that stuff asap.
Great SNF, even though we lost it was really enjoyable. Thanks! :)
Just accepted, sorry for not doing it straight away, thought you were a random Bnet kid adding me 'cos I was on Faves :P
Absolutely, see you in around 15 minutes ;) Send me an invite when you want me to join and I'll be sure to have everyone ready.
No problem man, it actually ended up being that one of the Staff had it in his mind that it was this Sunday before the two of us even agreed on...
Sounds good to me. I'll let everyone know. The Staff are cool with tomorrow, so I'll ask whether the time is good and then sort out our final...
Awesome, most people should be on tomorrow, since I'll be hosting an ODST (Mythic Playlists) Matchmaking party at around 9PM our side, and then...
Hello good sir, everyone's cool with any Sunday for the FU SNF, to be honest. Any news since we last spoke for me to relay back?
I can't say that's grimy dubstep, it's more electro-y, to be honest. I like the most recent version of the sig, by the way.
You spelt J4M's name wrong, I noticed you spelt it the same way on his gift sig too. Just thought I'd let you know.
This looks great! I'm amazed by how awesome this looks, I really really like the hatching look you went for. What Wacom Tablet do you use? I...
I concur. I've always wanted to say that in a conversation! :D
Internet Mafia Connections, eh? So he has Hitmen? I'll know not to get on his wrong side in that case! :P
Ahh, I seeeeee. Thanks for letting me know, I'll bring it up on my side and see what seems to be best for most people. Tsk tsk, why must Insane be...
Hey brosef, I saw the SNF vs Halo Crossing and thought I'd ask if there's any update on the FU SNF?
YouTube - Neverender London - Milk Foot - Claudio and Travis 1,426 views
I'm either going for one of these two. My armour colours are brown in H3, so I'll probably be sticking with that. I quite like the character model...
You have a good point there, I'm just glad I haven't had messages asking for Recon! The other Admin at FU told me he had some guy constantly...
I think it would have worked better if you had an ODST with forced colour black instead of the red Spartan. I would have also set the 'We are...