Halo 3 [Realism] I just wanted to post some pictures that I have had for a while. They all show the hard work that Bungie put into the game....
The merging with the tree was superbly done and it looks great. (at least I think it was merged, or did the branches go through automatically?) I...
The map is really well made and has a new look to it that is rarely seen. I like all the different levels. The only problem is that this isn't...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Just wanted to thank you for all your work and dedication. It has really payed off and this group is prospering. Soon our time...
I got your AIM name and sent you a message to see if it works.
I just wanted to know how you thought we should proceed with our videos. Would you rather have live action or machinima. In my opinion I think...
The new version of Fortification (<\\ delta) is ready to go and I can show you it tomorrow
I will work on Fortification today but am having trouble getting to the High Ground budget glitch canvas. I don't think the link was fixed on the...
This guy wants to join our group spazmonkey92
This is very tricky to acomplish but it really helps make the map unique. I found out about this on youtube and am glad to see that it has moved...
Is this going to be like Infection Inc? I guess this one seems more focused on playing and ranking up while the other one was more casual
And also I just wanted to say that I will probably be able to go to the brainfeast this weekend if its still on. I'm just never sure if I will...
I added some pictures of the first map on the zombies group page. If this is taking up too much space just tell me. I have a lot more to share...
As Jester said you need to be up to standards. Do not post a map preview here. If you want to post your maps you could just call this a map pack...
welcome to forgehub! I am glad that you have taken an interest in our group. If you need any help just message Jester, Nitrotomato or me. (I...
Alright I think this Project has a base and now we now need to come up with some maps as a sort of frame for the campaign. Then tweak them for...
I recently posted a new idea in the Zombies Inc group area. Check it out and tell me if you are interested.
this weekend I was thinking we could work on the project. Maybe brain storm in forge and set a basic layout for some of the maps/gametypes. Once...
oh, ok sorry about that. I'm just trying not to get a crowded fiends list. But I will help out anytime if you need it.
why did you randomly send me a friend request. Who are you?