This is a nice find. I don't believe that it is the true sandbox because the level of secrecy that bungie tends to stick to. Sandbox is probably...
My map is coming along well but i am having trouble putting a roof on the wole thing. Is the brute shot an essential weapon on conquest? I am...
This looks like an exceptionally organised map for a junior member and I am very impresses. The post would however benefit from a map overview as...
[IMG] ---Link to map: -updated at 1:28 am (I fixed one of the ways out) This is the latest version...
[IMG] [IMG] This is one of the pictures from my Halo Realism post I had awhile back And this is an epic Bull True [IMG]
Yeah I think that a first map section could potentially work but then again who in their right mind who even go to that page considering that they...
this is done with a grav hammer right. If so then it was probably very easy to make. I don't want to be annoying but if it was that easy then what...
The map looks pretty good and I like the central base. The thing that bugs me however is that it is mostly empty, open ground. This makes the...
glad to hear your xbox is working. Feel free to join any of the infection sessions. Just check the time on the main page when we post it or send...
I like the idea of a one side a map with a compound in a corner. The entrance looks great and the other buildings do too. However you have several...
Alright sorry I was a little condused about where the humans spawned. That was a good idea but I still think that if the humans can't get to the...
This looks like a really nice map because you managed to shift the focus to a nontraditional playing field. The arches look nice and are pretty...
This idea was done before on foundry and Im sorry to say but it was done better there. On that map the zombies spawned away from the roof and it...
From the description I understood that humans spawn near the cache, grab as much ammo as they can and then run away. This is missing a central...
Though I like competitive games I often end up feeling that infection is my favorite. The amount of customization is great and in the right hands...
welcome to the group, I hope you have a good time. [IMG] Please send a message to Nitrotomato in order to be admitted
This is a good map by itself though I have no idea how it lives up to the original in Gears of War. maybe you should have only brute weapons on...
I didn't think the picture was bad. I liked the colors and the background behind the glass was pretty nice. The fact that the guy in the back...
I agree with the other posters. The map isn't very well made but then again it is sandtrap and the forging possibilities are relatively small. The...
This is a pretty good basic map. It has no interlocking or geomerging at all. Not that this is bad but if you / your friend want to make more...