I think I joined your game of Donkey Kong and was really confused at first. Once I got the hang of it though It was fun. I really liked what you...
YouTube - ZM_Bunker Gameplay 1
Hey whats up. My GT is Oackley HiDef but it used to be Rivalmass so thats my profile name on here
hey something came up and im not sure I can make it to the testing session. Feel free to use the map if you want, I might try and make it but we...
gamertag: Oakley HiDef map name: zm_bunker map genre: infection map link: please download (ZM_Outbreak) gametype and the map (zm_bunker)...
This is really sick. I actually thought about doing this but was stumped on how to get all the details. You've really come up with so many tricks...
Ok sure. We havent started working on this and probably wont get to it for a while. Maybe if you decide to remake a map with some budget left I...
This is a really nice map. Im impressed with the aesthetics and attention to detail. You also managed to create a gametype that captures the feel...
I think I remember reading in the bungie invasion forge guide not to do Invasion_platform as it applies only to spire. Just read through the guide...
If you intend to build this on Reach then it will not be possible. In the first gametype you said that one human spawns on the roof with the...
The map idea is badass and it would be a shame to have it fall apart. What you have now is a good overview but you need to make sure that...
This seems like an interesting idea but the only problem is that I doubt Bungie has the option for no AI whatsoever. I guess this would be cool to...
Hey ive been away from Halo for a while but seeing all the options for Reach its definetly drawn me back. For a while im just gonna enjoy it but...
Ok... So far Bungie has not come out to say that Invasion is available on Forge World. While it is a PvP game it almost merits its own...
Thanks for the map. I am currently working on an idea using the island on Forge World. Here is a map I made that is fairly accurate. [IMG]
The invasion maps will almost certainly be playable in other modes. Check out this video for example: YouTube - Halo Reach beta gameplay (Race)...
I haven't really been active on this site in a while and didn't expect to see this kind of map pack. I remember someone made a couple maps for a...
Alright I changed the first post but am having trouble changing the title. Sorry I couldn't make it to the brainfeast.
I originally made the random weapon box. Im now going to try to dig up the post I made describing how it works and link it here. [to be...
Once I get my hands on another Halo disk I will be sure to try and fix the random weapon box. Sorry for the wait but I am busy and am trying to...