I didn't mean to be so extreme with that "world supported by agriculture" argument, I just wanted to present my side to the debate on that certain...
Nope, I go to St. Ignatius, downtown.
Yeah a lot of people would definitely oppose it with their ethical/religious beliefs, but I bet if we could make you virtually immortal like in...
My theory on FTL (faster-than-light) travel: Create space bending machine. Compress space in front of transport, expand space behind. Expanded...
Wowzors. The gameplay looks sooo unbelievably epic and the map's aesthetics are well-done too. Not THE BEST, but definitely good. The part with...
Yeah, metric ftw, it's so much simpler. I hate my measuring system, makes absolutely no sense.
The internet is possibly the last place where we can publicly express our true selves. If it gets controlled by the FCC, that would totally limit...
Yeah, you're right Matty. Unless we can drastically speed that process up, we will most likely be gone by the time it makes Mars inhabitable....
Well, if we were going to use it to combat suffering and use it for medicinal purposes, wouldn't we have to experiment? Germ line alterations...
Exactly Titmar. No matter what you do, no matter what precaution you take, no matter how you educate them, there will always be dumbasses who pay...
Transhumanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Transhumanism (sometimes symbolized by >H or H+),[1] a term often used as a synonym for "human...
WOW. Saying that scientific evidence is unimportant makes you the ignorant one. Seriously, that is one of the most ignorant statements ever to...
It is essential to colonize other places in the universe if we want to be survived. Face it, we have raped the Earth, and it's getting sick of it....
It's sad isn't it? If we as a race could simply cooperate, we would be light-years ahead in our society than we are right now. And face it, we...
Yeah the 1920's guy is the one I'm talking about. Man, quite a few koinky-dinks, eh?
No way. I was going to put "I hope the government doesn't murder this guy." in that post, but I didn't want to show my conspiracy-side. I knew...
Sowee, and yep, you're probably right. Search "Chem trails" to be scared/pissed/depressed further. Oh and we can already generate extreme...
No, Tex. It is a terrible thing. You as an individual and all your actions can theoretically be completely controlled by HAARP.
HAARP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dT1UUXNgMA