"Z-Day," was hosted sometime back in March. It called on people to host an event within their community in which to show Zeitgeist to others they...
Yeah, I researched that a little more too and I found that some of the comparisons were a stretch.
Furious, you are definitely not intellectually lazy. I followed virtually the same path you described and discovered the same things, but the...
It's a logical take you have there, Nemi. But for me,( I know I sound like a hippie or something) it's too physical. There has to be something...
Alright, I'll keep it off now. Thanks for the heads up, Linu. Edit: Lmao.
Glad to see some others have seen it and take heed to what it presents. Are sigs not allowed in the debate forum? If a lot of people have seen...
Meant to put quotes on that paragraph...but I ADD'ed away from that on my thought pattern. I totally agree with you, Furious. A child blindly...
Mastar, I agree that what you presented does influence a hefty number of murderers, but it is definitely not all to blame. A child can be taught...
If you're human. Then again, maybe life is something so incredible and transcendant that it has no reason and simply is. But a typical human...
Zeitgeist is a movement and a film that tries to show people the world from a more critical view. It will make you see things from a different...
Flight, indeed. You would definitely be the most badass person to ever live and it basically provides the same power as invisibility, just a...
Blacksmith, from reading your post I can tell we are similar in many ways. If I were to have made this thread instead, I would have written...
Good argument Pegasi. But (sorry for bringing religion into this) in many religions it's wrong, very wrong, to commit suicide. I know committing...
I don't really see why this is in Casual maps. You should probably post it in compettitive. The map looks decent and like it'd be pretty fun to...
I know what it should look like, but I can only recognize a few things from the pics. I'll have to take a look it at it in a little to see if its...
It's in the Forge FAQ.
I looked around and I couldn't find anything about it, so I thought I'd make a thread. Hope it helps ya, Mort.
I was forging recently and I wanted to create a structure that was perfectly circular. It was pretty hard to accomplish, so I thought, "What can I...
I guess it would just be considered evolution by the time we had surpassed this phase of our physical anatomy, but it'd be transhuman to us in the...