I personally don't like snowbound to much because of its sheilds. Someone always seems to be there with shotgun or mauler.
that was kind of confusing but i'll check it out
really cool map this should get featured im dl right now.
Hypercube, Crated, Cubby Cube (cubby-very small room), Cubiform, Cubinator, cuboid, destruction squared. Thats all i've got
I would have a big square with even walls and no crane but two opposite sides would have big openings which are the same size as placible gates...
btw im giving you rep for this awesome idea.
this is so helpful im gonna use this right away
This is so awesome I am going to try it right about..........NOW
Wow this should get featured the destructible tower is a good idea.
cool. A ghost town map for a change. This looks pretty good I'll have to check it out. And I'll give you some rep for making a tight map on...
Cool map I like mlg personally I think its harder to get cheap kills. Anyway sweet map though I have seen the droop bridge before.
Everyone hates the turret next to the tele but if someone camps there people will stop going that way. Great map definate dl. Plus I'm giving...
Wow. I wish I could interlock like that. Great map.
i want to dl but i'm full. I'll delete some crap then dl.
cool map but i can't dl.
its always nice to see an asymetrical map once and a while. Seems awesome, you have my dl.
glad to see you fixed the pics problem and now that the link is working i'll dl
trents it has so much contrast yet flows very well.
If this is some kind of joke you're probably going to lose a lot of rep.
I admire your courage posting them without pics so I'll dl and check it out my self. I feel your pain a couple days ago I took a ton of pics,...