wow how did you figure that out?! some more rep for ya
wow i am going to put that on my file share
thats awesome
ooooooooooooh that's how people did that. Wow i feel like an idiot
awesome maps i wish i could dl them all so im gonna clear some space then dl
ictypaloeit is right this map is amazing definate dl
besides the pics great map. I can never get the floor flat either
Im not familiar with stargate that much but nice map
Yeah this could almost make a good competative map if you spread out the guns
really nice map definate dl. and i love the geomerging
Ill have to dl and check this one out
Wow this one looks awesome. I can always count on you gravedigger to have an awesome minigame. Heres some rep
Wow this is really helpful. I always used imageshack and had tiny pics. Heres some rep for taking the time to make this post
I dl this when it was on the front page and it is just as fun as ever
The fact that its so small almost makes it a different kind of game than most dogeball maps good job.
Wow this is a good idea why didn't I think of that.
Wow. My mind is blown. I'll check out the ones that you thought were good but not any failed ones. Nice to see that a lot of good maps came out...
I like small maps so I will dl for sure. It does have a bit of a barren layout
cool map I'll dl but I think that area is a little open you might have been better just to block it off.
This is awesome. I've never seen such a naturally jagged mountain. Great job.